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Artichokes with Creamy Lemon Dipping Sauce

Make the most of spring with this 5-ingredient appetizer that features steamed artichokes and a creamy sauce for dipping.

Serves 4
Ready in 40 mins
Prep time 15 mins
Cooking time 25 mins
270 calories per serving


> 4 fresh artichokes
> 1 lemon
> 1/2 cup mayonnaise
> 2 tsp reduced-sodium soy sauce
> 2 tbsp finely chopped chives


Remove outermost layer of leaves from the artichokes. Trim tops and bottoms of artichokes so they sit flat. Snip pointy tips from each leaf.
Cut the lemon in half and rub over cut parts of artichokes (reserving lemon halves). Add 2 inches of water to a medium pot. Place artichokes in pot, arranging so they sit upright. Heat to a boil on high. Reduce heat to simmer. Cover pot and cook artichokes 25 min., until tender, adjusting heat as needed to maintain simmer.
Meanwhile, stir together the mayonnaise, soy sauce, and chives. Squeeze in 1½ tbsp lemon juice from lemon halves. Stir in 2 tsp water until smooth. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
To eat, pull off each artichoke leaf and dip in mayonnaise.


For easy trimming, use kitchen shears to trim the leaves and a serrated knife to cut off the top ½ inch and bottoms of artichokes. Use a spoon to remove the fuzzy inedible choke from each cooked artichoke.

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