Begin by hard-boiling the eggs. Submerge eggs in rapidly boiling water, then remove from heat and allow to sit, covered, for 12 minutes. Cool completely in an ice bath. Meanwhile, make your dye using the recipes below. Be sure dye is cooled completely before using.
Baby blue
In a saucepan, combine 1 cup chopped red cabbage per 1 cup water. Bring to a boil and reduce to simmer for 30 minutes. Remove from heat, strain, and cool completely. For every 1 cup of dye, stir in 1 tablespoon white vinegar.
In a saucepan, combine 1 tablespoon turmeric per 1 cup water. Bring to a boil and reduce to simmer for 30 minutes. Remove from heat, strain, and cool completely. For every 1 cup of dye, stir in 1 tablespoon white vinegar.
In a saucepan, combine 1 cup chopped, peeled red beets per 1 cup water. Bring to a boil and reduce to simmer for 30 minutes. Remove from heat, strain, and cool completely. For every 1 cup of dye, stir in 1 tablespoon white vinegar.
In a saucepan, combine 1 cup red onion skins per 1 cup water. Bring to a boil and reduce to simmer for 30 minutes. Remove from heat, strain, and cool completely. For every 1 cup of dye, stir in 1 tablespoon white vinegar.
When it’s time to dye the eggs:
Transfer cooled dye to a sealable container and completely submerge hardboiled eggs. Cover and refrigerate for at least 3 hours. For the most vibrant color, soak eggs in dye overnight.
To create a fun, striped pattern, gently wrap narrow rubber bands or tape around eggs before soaking in dye. Dry dyed eggs on a wire rack, and then peel off tape or cut rubber bands with kitchen shears.
To ensure eggs are edible, don’t allow them to sit at room temperature for more than two hours.
Happy coloring!