Home - Recipes - Italian Tortellini Soup in a Jar

Italian Tortellini Soup in a Jar

Just add water to turn this into a flavor-packed soup within 20 minutes. By using shelf-stable ingredients, this soup in a jar makes a great gift any time of year.

Serves 8
Ready in 10 mins
Prep time 10 mins
184 calories per serving


> 1 (8 oz) pkg sun-dried tomatoes
> 1 (2 oz) pkg vegetable soup & dip mix
> 2 low-sodium vegetable bouillon cubes, unwrapped
> 2 tbsp Italian seasoning
> 2 tbsp dried parsley
> 2 (12 oz) pkgs shelf-stable cheese tortellini


Finely chop the sun-dried tomatoes. In 2 wide-mouth glass quart jars, evenly divide and layer the soup & dip mix, bouillon cubes, and chopped tomatoes. Add 1 tbsp Italian seasoning and 1 tbsp parsley to each jar. Finish jars by adding the tortellini. Season with salt and pepper. Seal each jar.


Write the cooking instructions on a gift tag: Add contents of one jar to 3 cups boiling water. Cook 10–13 min., until tortellini is tender.

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