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Popcorn and Pretzel Bars

These baseball-inspired bars are sweet-and-salty, packed with pretzels, popcorn, and caramels. A smart microwave hack lets you skip the stovetop caramel completely.

Serves 20
Ready in 13 mins
Prep time 10 mins
Cooking time 3 mins
253 calories per serving


> Cooking spray
> 3 cups mini pretzels
> 1 cup dry roasted lightly salted peanuts
> 3/4 cup (1 1/2 sticks) unsalted butter
> 1/2 cup classic caramel candies, unwrapped
> 1 (10.5 oz) bag mini marshmallows
> 5 1/2 cups organic kettle corn


Line a 9x13-inch baking dish with parchment and coat with the cooking spray. Roughly chop the pretzels and peanuts.
To a large microwave-safe bowl, add the butter and caramels. Microwave 1 min., until melted. Add the marshmallows and microwave 60–90 sec., until marshmallows are just melted. Stir until smooth. Immediately add pretzels, peanuts, and kettle corn. Stir until completely coated in marshmallow mixture.
Pour popcorn mixture into prepared baking dish. Coat a spatula with cooking spray and press popcorn mixture with spatula into a flat, even layer. Let cool until set. Use parchment to lift bars from dish and transfer to a cutting board. Cut into 4 rows; cut each row into 5 pieces.

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