Home - Recipes - Roasted White, Purple, and Green Asparagus

Roasted White, Purple, and Green Asparagus

Spring is the perfect season for eating asparagus. This time of year you can find stems in green, white, and purple. What better way to decorate the table?

Serves 10
Ready in 30 mins
Prep time 5 mins
Cooking time 25 mins
47 calories per serving


> 3 (12 oz) pkgs multi-color asparagus
> 2 tbsp olive oil
> 2 lemons


Preheat oven to 400°F. Trim or peel woody ends from asparagus and toss asparagus with olive oil. Zest the lemons into a bowl. Reserve some zest for garnish. Juice 1 lemon and slice the remaining lemon into wheels. Toss asparagus with the lemon zest and juice. Season with salt and pepper.
Arrange asparagus on a baking sheet and top with sliced lemon. Roast for 25 min. or until slightly charred and tender. Garnish with reserved lemon zest just before serving.

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