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Desserts To Take to the Grill

Step aside, hamburgers. Move over, hot dogs. There’s a new set of grilling ingredients in town and they’re gonna satisfy your sweet tooth.  From entrée to sides and, now, desserts, your grill is the only cooking tool you’ll need for a full course meal.
grilling sweet desserts

Grilled Stone Fruit Yogurt Bowl   

Never grilled peaches or plums? We guarantee you’ll be a fan  after you try this recipe with grilled stone fruit combined with creamy yogurt and granola for the crunch factor.

Grilled Pineapple with Dulce de Leche Ice Cream   

Once you try grilled pineapple, you’ll never go back. Paired with decadent caramel flavored ice cream, it’s a flavor marriage made in dessert heaven.

Banana-Hazelnut S’mores   

Your campfire favs get an inspired twist with the addition of bananas and chocolate hazelnut spread. Still as gooey good as the original.

Grilled Doughnut Ice Cream Sandwiches   

Doughnuts and ice cream.  Need we say more? Probably not, but we’ll add that grilling the doughnuts is a must.

Grilled Banana Splits   

It’s hard to improve upon a classic, but, hey, we just did. Grilling the bananas takes this ice cream dessert over the top, in a delicious way.

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