1/4 cup pomegranate juice
Toothpicks or craft sticks
12 marshmallows
Pink decorating sugar
Red decorating sugar
3 oz white chocolate, chopped
Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper. Place the juice in a small shallow bowl.
Insert toothpick or craft stick into a marshmallow and dip about halfway down into juice. Hold 30 sec. Remove from liquid and let any excess liquid drip back into bowl. Carefully remove toothpick from marshmallow and place tinted-side up on prepared pan. Repeat with remaining marshmallows. Let dry completely, about 1 hour.
Add the decorating sugar to a small shallow plate. In a medium microwave-safe bowl, microwave the chocolate in 30-sec. intervals, until melted, stirring in between intervals.
Dip tinted marshmallow tops into chocolate, then dip into sugar, pressing to adhere. Return to prepared pan, sugar-sides up, to set, about 1 hour.