1 small carrot, peeled
1 (8 oz) block cream cheese, softened
1 (4 oz) goat cheese log, softened
1 tsp garlic powder
2 tsp Worcestershire sauce
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
5 capers
Crackers, for serving
From the carrot, cut ½ inch off tip and set aside. From remaining carrot, cut 1 thin, wider slice and a slimmer 1½-inch cylinder. Cut slice and cylinder into semicircle halves.
In a food processor, pulse the cream cheese, goat cheese, garlic powder, and Worcestershire sauce until smooth, stopping to stir occasionally.
Transfer cheese mixture to a gallon-size resealable plastic bag. With scissors, snip off corner. Pipe mixture onto large serving platter into one large mound, one medium mound, and one small mound, all connected, to form snowman’s body.
With mini offset spatula, smooth tops and sides of mounds. Sprinkle with the Parmesan. Arrange carrot half-moon and half-cylinder above smallest mound to form top hat.
Into smallest mound, insert carrot tip as nose and 2 capers as eyes. Into medium mound, press remaining 3 capers as buttons. Serve with the crackers.