Home - Recipes - Chicken Broth with Cream Cheese and Chive “Dumplings”

Chicken Broth with Cream Cheese and Chive “Dumplings”

This fun take on mushroom soup is a light way to start any feast. When you stir the soup, the cream cheese dumplings melt into the hot liquid creating instant cream of mushroom soup.

Serves 4
Ready in 15 mins
Prep time 5 mins
Cooking time 10 mins
181 calories per serving


> 1/2 onion, sliced
> 1 (8 oz) package  mixed mushrooms
> 1 tbsp olive oil
> 4 cups chicken broth
> 4 oz cream cheese, softened
> 1/4 cup walnuts, finely chopped
> 1 (.75 oz) package chives, chopped


Saute mushrooms and onion in olive oil. Add chicken broth and bring to a simmer.
Add softened cream cheese to a bowl and stir in walnuts and form into 12 balls. Roll "dumplings" in chopped chives and use to garnish soup.


Swirl the cream cheese balls into the soup for instant cream of mushroom soup.

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